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Ketamine Injection USP UK
It is also used to treat depression and control pain.
It’s also now tied to the tragic death of Friends star Matthew Perry.
The actor died from the acute effects of the mind-bending drug, ketamine, according to the actor’s autopsy report. The 54-year-old accidentally drowned at his Los Angeles home. Ketamine Injection USP UK
Here’s more information about ketamine.
Ketamine has been known to treat serious depression
In 2006, researches at the National Institutes of Health showed that an intravenous dose of ketamine could relieve severe depression in a matter of hours.
That’s compared to other remedies for depression, like Prozac and Zoloft, that often take weeks to ease the condition and don’t work for every patient. Ketamine Injection USP
What exactly does ketamine look like?
It can also be formulated as tablets or dissolved in liquid.
Other names include Special K, K, Kitkat, Ketters, Super K, and Horse Trank.